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    Are the characters in your shorts (Dakota, Tony, Austen, etc) directly based on people you know in real life?

    Not directly! Actually, pretty much all of them were originally designed to be characters in my Severely Abridged Shakespeare series, then later expanded into their own characters; Tony was originally Dogberry, Dakota was originally Hippolyta, and so on.

    However, even though the characters aren’t directly based on anyone IRL, a lot of my shorts are loosely inspired by things that my IRL friends do, especially with D&D stuff.

    Can I do fanart of your stuff?

    PLEASE do fanart of my stuff.

    Who voices all your characters?


    No, seriously, who does the voices? You should always credit your VAs.

    No, seriously, I do all the voices. Some of them are slightly altered in pitch (like I might speed up the clip by 0.1x for a character to make it a bit higher), but genuinely, all my characters are just me doing different voices. If someone who isn’t me does a voice for my video, I always credit them, like when Mecha-Moira was in one of my Star Trek videos.

    When are you gonna do a face reveal?


    I’ve talked about this before, but basically, I’m not particularly attractive in real life, and I’ve seen even above-average-looking people do face reveals and get just horrifically eviscerated by thousands of people online for being “not hot enough”. I don’t need that kind of pointless cruelty in my life. (sorry for being a bummer)

    When is {video} coming out?

    When it’s done!

    Can you do a “wait hold on a second” video about {character}?

    Short answer: maybe!

    I make one episode of that series per week, released on Fridays, so I’m always looking for ideas. However, I usually only make ones based on characters I’m already familiar with, and I get a lot of comments, so there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to get to yours.

    …UNLESS you sign up for my Patreon at the Legendary Manticore tier! Legendary Manticores get to pick a character for that series and get a guaranteed slot!

    Can you make Dakota taller?

    Can you pay for the repairs for property damage?

    Speaking of Dakota, what’s up with that triangle on her neck?

    So, a lot of people think this is a tattoo or, weirdly enough, the shadow of a triangle-shaped earring that she isn’t wearing, but in actuality it’s just the shading of her neck’s sternocleidomastoid muscle, the muscle that connects the skull to the sternum. It’s a bit clearer in this slightly higher-detail picture from the June 2024 Patreon wallpaper.

    You know that if you keep doing {thing}, then people are going to Get Weird about it, right?

    Listen, I’m not in the business of telling people not to get weird. I don’t believe that normalcy or some vague sense of “propriety” is (or should be) the arbiter of all human morality. Additionally, the world is pretty rough right now, so I’m not gonna tell people not to be try to get joy and wonder wherever they can, as long as they’re not hurting anyone. If someone being a freak about one of my cartoon characters is going to help them cope with the horrors of living in the 2020s, then I’m happy to help.

    And even if I wanted to, it would be impossible to tailor my work to be completely freak-repellent. Believe me, there is nothing, nothing, that I can do that won’t be a Thing for someone. I drew someone sitting down once — not positioned provocatively or anything, just sitting on a couch — and people online saw it and Got Weird about it. The only way I could make videos that people wouldn’t Get Weird about would be if every video I made was just sixty straight seconds of a solid grey rectangle, and even then there’s probably someone out there who gets going at desaturated minimalism.

    Can we get a short or something that has a list of the characters, just for reference?

    Right here!

    Why don’t your characters have arms most of the time?

    Stylistic choice, for a couple reasons:

    • It makes it exponentially easier (and more efficient) to animate if the characters have 0 to 1 arms vs if they always have exactly 2 arms. You notice that in a lot of the stuff I don’t animate (like my merch or Patreon wallpapers), characters tend to have two arms all the time.
    • The original art style I based my very first videos on was derived from a running series of joke drawings I had in a group chat I was in at the time, which we called the “mostly ‘armless” style, and had the characters being vaguely-coloured blobs drawn in, basically, MS Paint. The art style’s evolved since then, but those are its roots.
    • I’ve been doing this channel for, at time of writing, about six and a half years, so it’s pretty baked into the identity and visual aesthetic of the channel now.

    Um, actually, Wario and Waluigi aren’t brothers.

    That’s not a question.

    Did you know that Wario and Waluigi aren’t brothers?

    The canon relationship between Wario and Waluigi is extremely fuzzy, to say the least, and there’s contradictory canon evidence for both sides of the “are they brothers” question. This leads to disagreement, with many people saying that, “canonically”, they’re brothers, cousins, friends, business associates, or even lovers. There is no definitive canon answer to this, so the only wrong opinion is that there is a definitive canon answer to it.

    Personally, I like to think of them as brothers, with Waluigi dating Captain Marvel.